Class Rules

  • - Do not be disrespectful to the teacher or any classmate

    - There will be no late work accepted (except if previous
       arrangements have been made)

    - Come to class prepared and on time

    - Do Your OWN Work!  Plagiarism will earn a zero and a trip
       to the Principals office.

    - No food or drink are to be at the computers.  There is a 
    table where you can have a snack but not at the work stations. 

    - Do not damage computers.  They belong to SISD; they are not 
    toys to play with!

    - If you have gum, I better not see or hear it

    - Assignments should be done and turned in prior to using 
    computers for other classes

    - I should not hear anything from your computer, if what you
       are doing makes sounds, headphones need to be used
Minions Just Wanta Have Fun!
Hardly Working?
Can I See Your Work?